Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love 1 - Focus and remaining focused

Today, I was thinking about Love 1 and how it can work to help provide ideas and help those who want to effectively show the love of Chist to others. Really, I felt impressed on the topic of focus.

Focus I think is the art and discipline of knowing what is important and saying a whole bunch of no to other things. Guys like myself are especially guilty of this. We can get an idea or goal and rev up about it until the next thing comes along and steals our attention before any fruit cometh out of the ground. I suspect this comes from being used to take on everything we wanted like we used to 10 years ago when free time existed,.. I don't know. So, in regards to Love 1, and when I take some time to consider the ones I am praying for and working on, the thought of focus came up.

The idea I had was to take a photo or a piece of paper and write down the names of this person(s). With this name or photo, put it in a place that you will see it everyday. The idea is that what if you sit down and open your bible and there is that person who needs Chist as savior, so you spend time earnestly praying for them now. Or, you get in your car to rush home from work and you see them, so you call them to chat and maybe they don't have dinner plans yet. If nothing else, you are reminded and they are fresh on your heart.

It is easier than we think to forget someone who we had every intention of ministering to but forgot, and are way to busy to entertain that action anymore. So, keeping this person in your bible, or in your car, or in your house is a big commitment. It will remove a lot of excuses and bring some internal structure to your ministry of the gospel, but thats a good thing!

Praise God for you all. This is not for the weak, the flesh hates it because it has to do with someone else. IF we focus on what the Holy Spirit says to do, thats great. If we can keep it before our eys, that is even better. Love 1 is not like shootin birds on a wire, it is more like a marathon or a journey,.. therefore, it can be forgotton before the goal is realized. So as we begin together, consider this idea, anyone one else have some ideas? The more practical the better.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

New blog site

This is a work in please be patient as we continue to set everything up!
Thank you and God Bless!!!!!!!

Joe and Courtney